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Co-Creative Shamanic Crystal Grid Ceremonies

  • Haw Creek Commons 315 Old Haw Creek Road Asheville, NC, 28805 United States (map)

Roger is offering a series of Co-Creative Shamanic Crystal Grid Ceremonies at Haw Creek Commons Monday February 27th, Monday March 13th and Monday March 27th from 7-8:30 pm

Indigenous cultures’ shamans or medicine people have been doing this type of work in their communities for thousands of years. Today this work continues. An example is Marshall “Golden Eagle” Jack from the Washoe tribe of California and Nevada building crystal grid water wheels to restore the health of water in western states from Arizona to Oregon.

Roger has been building crystal grids for manifestation for over twenty years. He incorporates these techniques into shamanic ceremony with the assistance of his spouse Gayle. In the upcoming ceremonies, you can participate in building the grids, with the assistance and guidance of Roger.

  • The February 27th grid will be for Restoring the Health of the Plant Kingdom. To offset and counter balance the loss of diversity and increase of invasive species, we will flow our energies, intentions and love for the plants into the grid and then out into the world.

  • The March 13th Grid will be for Restoring the Health of the Animal Kingdom. Loss of diversity, loss of range of habitat are the focus for this grid.

  • The March 27th grid will be for Restoring the Health of Our Children. Here we address such issues as school shootings, cyber bullying and the politicization of school boards.

You can register for a single evening, two or all three. Registration is limited to 10 adults, children are invited to attend. Registration is free. If you choose to make a donation it will go towards helping the Quechua people of Peru, who are again suffering with the current political instability.

March 13

Co-Creative Shamanic Crystal Grid Ceremonies